Feeling the Caona vibes?

We want you!

You feel connected to Caona’s cause and want to help? Be part of the journey!
We are self-funded and developing our products by ourselves supported by a strong network of wonderful people, our Fembassadors. We welcome everyone and specifically, we are currently searching for pro-bono support in following areas of expertise:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Illustrators
  • Web Design
  • Frontend App Development
  • Health Data Analysis
  • Hormonal Health Research
  • Health Professionals (Practitioners, Nutritionists, Coaches)

Internship and student jobs are also available.

Feel connected to caona's cause?

For Companies

You feel connected to Caona’s cause and want to help? Be part of the journey!
Currently, we are searching for pro-bono support in following areas of expertise:

Feeling the Caona vibes? Hit us up!

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